are uncommon, hamartomatous, congenital malformations of the lymphatic
system that involve the skin and subcutaneous tissues. The
classification of lymphangiomas lacks a standard clear definition and
universal application, in part because of the nature of lymphangiomas,
which represent a clinicopathologic continuum. (Ramesh Venkatesh &
HL Trivedi, 2008)
lymphangiomas are benign lesions that result only in a soft,
slow-growing, "doughy" mass. Since they have no chance of becoming
malignant, lymphangiomas are usually treated for cosmetic reasons only.
Lymphangiomas can occur anywhere in the skin and the mucous membranes.
The most common sites are the head and the neck, followed by the
proximal extremities, the buttocks and the trunk. However, they
sometimes can be found in the intestines, the pancreas, and the
mesentery. Deeper cystic lesions usually occur in areas of loose and
areolar tissue, typically the neck, the axilla, and the groin. Their
skin involvement ranges from small, well-demarcated areas to large,
diffuse regions with unclear borders. Lymphangioma are usually noted at
birth; the remainder usually manifest before age 2 years. Lymphangioma
can appear suddenly in childhood and occasionally in adolescence or
adulthood (Glenn R. Jacobowitz, et al, 2005; Ramesh Venkatesh & HL Trivedi, 2008)
paper has the goal of keeping the doctor is able to identify and
understand the disease lyphangioma to be useful in the field during
practice one day.
2.1 Definition
are malformations of the lymphatic system, which is the network of
vessels responsible for returning to the venous system excess fluid from
tissues. Lymphangioma is benign multilobular, multinodular cystic
masses lined by endothelial cells. They result from maldevelopment and
obstruction of the lymphatic system. Eventually, sequestrations of
lymphatic tissue that do not communicate with the normal lymphatic
system develop. (Craig T. Albanese & Karl G. Sylvester, 2006)
2.2 Epidemiology
are rare. They account for 4% of all vascular tumors and approximately
25% of all benign vascular tumors in children. Whereas Cystic hygroma
(lymphangioma) occurs as a result of sequestration or obstruction of
developing lymph vessels in approximately 1 in 12,000 births. (Robert A
Schwartz & Geover Fernandez, 2009; Henri R. Ford et al, 2007)
2.3 Embriology
of one of the initial jugular lymphatic sacs to develop proper
connections and drainage with the lymphatic and, subsequently, venous
system may produce focal lymph cysts (cavernous lymphangiomas) also
known as cystic hygromas. Similarly, failure of embryologic remnants of
lymphatic tissues to connect to efferent channels leads to the
development of cystic lymphatic formations (simple capillary
lymphangiomas) that, depending on their location, are classified as
truncal, mesenteric, intestinal, and retroperitoneal lymphangiomas. (Iraklis I. Pipinos & B. Timothy Baxter, 2004)
about the sixth week of gestation, a system of clefts develops in the
cervical mesenchyme that subsequently form lymph channels. These
channels give rise to jugular lymph sacs that become the cervical lymph
nodes and lymphatics, ultimately draining into the internal jugular
venous system (Fig 2.1).
Figure 2.1
Lymphatic system in an 8-week-old human embryo. Development of the
major and minor lymphatic sacs is well under way. The jugular lymphatic
sac in the neck is prominent. Sequestration of tissue from any of the
developing lymphatic structures leads to formation of a lymphangioma or
cystic hygroma. (John Aiken & Keith Oldham, 2006)
2.4 Classification
Lymphangiomas have traditionally been classified into three subtypes: capillary and cavernous lymphangiomas and cystic hygromas. This classification is based on their microscopic characteristics. A fourth subtype, the hemangiolymphangioma is also recognized. (Giguère CM et al, 2002)
a. Capillary lymphangiomas
lymphangiomas are composed of small, capillary-sized lymphatic vessels
and are characteristically located in the epidermis.
b. Cavernous lymphangiomas
Composed of dilated lymphatic channels, cavernous lymphangiomas characteristically invade surrounding tissues.
c. Cystic hygromas
Cystic hygromas are large, macrocystic lymphangiomas filled with straw-colored, protein-rich fluid.
d. Hemangiolymphangioma
As suggested by their name, hemangiolymphangiomas are lymphangiomas with a vascular component. (Giguère CM et al, 2002)
cavernous lymphangiomas almost invariably occur in the neck or the
axilla and very rarely in the retroperitoneum. The simple capillary
lymphangiomas also tend to occur subcutaneously in the head and neck
region as well as the axilla. Rarely, however, they can be found in the
trunk within the internal organs or the connective tissue in and about
the abdominal or thoracic cavities. (Iraklis I. Pipinos & B. Timothy
Baxter, 2004)
Lymphangiomas may also be classified into microcystic, macrocystic, and mixed subtypes, according to the size of their cysts.
a. Microcystic lymphangiomas
Microcystic lymphangiomas are composed of cysts, each of which measures less than 2 cm3 in volume. Microcysts are less than 1 cm in diameter. (Giguère CM et al, 2002; Baird M. Smith & Craig T.Albanese, 2006)
b. Macrocystic lymphangiomas
Macrocystic lymphangiomas contain cysts measuring more than 2 cm3 in volume.. Macrocysts are greater than 1 cm in diameter and tend to be less invasive, less numerous, and less difficult to remove. (Giguère CM et al, 2002; Baird M. Smith & Craig T.Albanese, 2006)
c. Mixed lymphangiomas
Lymphangiomas of the mixed type contain both microcystic and macrocystic components. (Giguère CM et al, 2002)
microcysts and macrocysts may contain blood and/or lymph, a consequence
of similar lymphatic and vascular embryology. In general, microcysts
are more likely to contain blood and macrocysts more likely to contain
lymph.Macrocysts that contain lymph are also called cystic hygromas and
they are subsumed in the general category of lymphatic malformations.(Baird M. Smith & Craig T.Albanese, 2006)
lymphangiomas may be described in stages, which vary by location and
extent of disease. In particular, stage depends on whether lymphangiomas
are present above or superior to the hyoid bone (suprahyoid), below or inferior to the hyoid bone (infrahyoid), and whether the lymphangiomas are on one side of the body (unilateral) or both (bilateral). (Giguère CM et al, 2002)
o Stage I à Unilateral infrahyoid.
o Stage IIàUnilateral suprahyoid.
o Stage IIIàUnilateral suprahyoid and infrahyoid.
o Stage IVàBilateral suprahyoid.
o Stage VàBilateral suprahyoid and infrahyoid.
2.5 Clinical Features
occur in recognized locations with a variable combination of
microcystic and macrocystic elements. The most common locations for
lymphangioma are the axilla/chest, cervicofacial region, mediastinum,
retroperitoneum, buttock, and anogenital areas (Fig. 2.2 and 2.3). Often
the overlying skin is normal or a bluish hue. Dermal involvement
manifests as puckering or deep cutaneous dimpling. Lymphangioma in the
subcutis or submucosa presents as tiny vesicles, and often there is
intravesicular bleeding. Lymphangioma in the forehead and orbit cause
proptosis, strabismus, amblyopia, and recurrent intralesional bleeding.
Facial lymphangioma is the most common basis for macrocheilia,
macroglossia, macrotia, and macromala (overgrown check or malar bone).
Cervicofacial lymphangioma is associated with the overgrowth of the
mandibular body, which typically results in open bite and underbite. Lymphangioma
in the floor of the mouth and tongue are characterized by mucosal
vesicles, intermittent swelling, bleeding, and often oropharyngeal
obstruction. Cervical Lymphangioma involving the supraglottic upper
airway often necessitate early tracheostomy. (Glenn R. Jacobowitz et al,
Figure 2.2 Newborn Kenyan baby with a large cystic hygroma
(lymphangioma) extending from the axilla into the neck.
(lymphangioma) extending from the axilla into the neck.
Figure 2.3 A, Macrocystic lymphatic malformation in the left chest. MRI showed involvement of brachial plexus and mediastinum. B, Appearance 8 years after subtotal resection. (Glenn R. Jacobowitz et al, 2005)
lymphangioma is an extension of cervical or axillary lymphangioma.
Lymphatic anomalies of the thoracic duct or cisterna chyli present as
recurrent pleural and pericardial chylous effusions or chylous ascites.
Anomalous lymphatics in the gastrointestinal tract can cause
hypoalbuminemia as the result of a chronic protein-losing enteropathy;
often there is lymphangioma in other organ systems (generalized lymphangiomatosis).
Lymphangioma in an extremity cause diffuse or localized swelling or
gigantism with soft tissue and skeletal overgrowth. There is a rare type
of spongiform lymphangioma in the lower extremity with a large proximal
cystic lymphatic reservoir in the groin. Pelvic lymphangioma may cause
bladder outlet obstruction, constipation, and recurrent infection.
Progressive osteolysis, caused by diffuse soft tissue and skeletal
lymphangioma, is called Gorham-Stout syndrome, also known as “disappearing bone disease” and “phantom bone disease. (Glenn R. Jacobowitz et al, 2005)
2.6 Physical Features
· Lymphangioma circumscriptum
o Lymphangioma
circumscriptum involves small clusters of vesicles measuring about 2-4
mm. These clear vesicles can vary from pink to red to black secondary to
o The lesions can have a warty appearance on their surface; as a result, these lesions are often confused with warts.
o Shah et al report a lymphangioma presenting on the penis. (Robert A Schwartz & Geover Fernandez, 2009)
· Cavernous lymphangioma
o Typically, cavernous lymphangiomas appear as subcutaneous nodules with a rubbery consistency. They may have large dimensions.
o The overlying skin has no lesions or changes.
o The
area of involvement varies, ranging from lesions smaller than 1 cm in
diameter to larger lesions that involve an entire limb. (Robert A Schwartz & Geover Fernandez, 2009)
· Cystic hygroma
o Cystic hygromas are usually larger than cavernous lymphangiomas, and they more commonly occur in the neck and parotid area.
o Often,
deep cavernous lymphangiomas are not evident on superficial
examination, but cystic hygromas are detected with ease because of their
size and location. These large cystic lesions are soft and translucent. (Robert A Schwartz & Geover Fernandez, 2009)
Figure 2.4
Lymphangioma Circumscriptum. Multiple, 1- to-4-mm, clear, pink, red and
black vesicles overlying hyperpigmented and erythematous indurated
plaques were present on the right thigh. (Marissa Heller & Stephanie
Mengden, 2008)
2.7 Diagnosis
determination of a lymphangioma’s size and character is based on
location, clinical examination and investigation. Some regions tend to
have typical lesions: for example, reddish lesions in the base of the
tongue are typically microcystic with a significant vascular component;
soft boggy masses in the superficial neck or axilla – sometimes with a
bluish hue – are often macrocysts with lymph. The best investigations to
determine cyst contents is either a T2-weighted gadolinium-enhanced
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or needle aspiration of the dominant
cyst. Lymph is straw-coloured; thin bloody fluid may occur when a
lymphatic cyst is enlarged by a ruptured blood vessel.Abundant dark or
red blood indicates a significant vascular component. Viscid yellow-
clear fluid from an intra-oral lesion may signal a ranula, deriving from
salivary tissue. Depth of invasion and an estimate of the structures
involved is best determined by MRI scanning. Rarely, a neck lesion may
extend to the anterior mediastinum and compress the trachea. Spontaneous
enlargement may occur following an upper respiratory tract infection;
spontaneous regression is rare although sometimes follows local
infection. (Baird M. Smith & Craig T.Albanese, 2006)
2.8 Histologic Findings
the vesicles in lymphangioma circumscriptum are greatly dilated lymph
channels that cause the papillary dermis to expand. They may be
associated with acanthosis and hyperkeratosis. These channels are
numerous in the upper dermis and often extend to the subcutis. These
deeper vessels seem to have a large caliber, and they often have a thick
wall that contains smooth muscle. The lumen is filled with lymphatic
fluid, but it often contains red blood cells, lymphocytes, macrophages,
and neutrophils. These channels are lined by flat endothelial cells,
which stain positive for Ulex europaeus agglutinin-I. The interstitium often has numerous lymphoid cells and shows evidence of fibroplasia. (Robert A Schwartz & Geover Fernandez, 2009)
Figure 2.5
Lymphangioma Circumscriptum. Within the papillary dermis in close
approximation to the epidermis, there are multiple thin-walled, dilated
lymphatic spaces that contain lymph with a few erythrocytes. The
overlying epidermis is thin, and there are elongated rete ridges that
appear to surround the lymphatic channels. (Marissa Heller & Stephanie Mengden, 2008)
in cavernous lymphangioma are characterized by large, irregular
channels in the reticular dermis and subcutaneous tissue that are lined
by a single layer of endothelial cells. An incomplete layer of smooth
muscle often lines the walls of these malformed channels. The
surrounding stroma consists of loose or fibrotic connective tissue with a
number of inflammatory cells. These tumors often penetrate muscle. (Robert A Schwartz & Geover Fernandez, 2009)
Cystic hygroma is indistinguishable from cavernous lymphangiomas on histology. (Robert A Schwartz & Geover Fernandez, 2009)
2.9 Imaging
is the best imaging study; ultrasonography confirms the presence of
macrocystic lymphangioma. Because of a high water content, lymphangioma
is hyperintense on T2-weighted sequences. Macrocystic lesions often have
fluid levels because of contained protein or blood. Contrast
administration usually gives rim enhancement around large cysts or
within septae, although the contents of the microcysts also can enhance,
especially in patients with intralesional bleeding. Large or anomalous
venous channels are part of lymphangioma. Teratoma and infantile
fibrosarcoma can appear cystic on radiologic imaging and be confused
with cystic lymphangioma. Magnetic resonance lymphangiography
shows the dilated or interrupted lymphatic channels, especially in the
limbs. Although conventional contrast lymphangiography is rarely
performed, it is still used to determine the precise location of
lymphatic or chylous leakage in a patient with a thoracic lymphatic
anomaly. (Glenn R. Jacobowitz et al, 2005)
Figure 2.6 Cavernous lymphangioma. Approximately 10% of lymphangiomas of the neck in children extend into the antero-superior mediastinum. This specimen is from a 4-yr old boy who presented with soft fluctuant mass in the anterior neck. The image shows lymphatic channels lined by attenuated endothelial cells. Lymphoid aggregates are present to the right. (Web Patologi, 2009)
Figure 2.7 Lymphangioma in a 13-month-old boy. (A) Transverse US image shows a hypoechoic multiloculated mass (★). (B)
Fat-suppressed long-TR MR image helps confirm a multiloculated mass
with fluid levels and variable signal intensity (arrows). The mass is
seen infiltrating the parotid, parapharyngeal, and masticator (M) spaces.
Figure 2.8 Fetal ultrasound demonstrating an anechoic, cystic structure with septation in the posterior neck. (Daniel H. Hechtman & David S. Shapiro, 2007)
2.10 Treatment
risks of expectant management include infection, progressive growth and
disfigurement, extension into previously uninvolved areas, dysphagia,
airway compromise, and erosion into vascular structures. Asymptomatic
cysts in the premature or smallfor- dates child may await growth and
development of the infant. For the majority of patients there is no need
to defer excision. (Baird M. Smith & Craig T.Albanese, 2006)
two major complications of lymphangioma are intralesional bleeding and
infection. Bleeding is either spontaneous or secondary to trauma. The
lymphangioma suddenly enlarges, turns bluish in color, and is
exquisitely painful. Analgesic medication, rest, and time are all that
are needed. If there is a large collection of intralesional blood,
prophylactic antibiotics may be indicated. Lymphangioma often swells
coincident with a viral or bacterial infection anywhere in the body.
This is a harmless event, presumably the result of changes in flow or
stimulation of the lymphocytic component in the walls of the anomalous
channels. Bacterial cellulitis in lymphangioma is more dangerous.
Infection in a cervicofacial lymphangioma can cause obstruction of the
upper airway and difficulty in swallowing. The incidence of cellulitis
in cervicofacial lymphangioma is reported to be 17%. There is rapid
onset of localized swelling, tenseness, erythema, pain, and systemic
signs of toxicity. Parents become alert to these signs and symptoms and
learn to administer antibiotics immediately. Often these infections
cannot be controlled by oral antibiotics, and the child must be
hospitalized for prolonged intravenous therapy. Blood cultures rarely
isolate the responsible organism. The choice of antibiotic is based on
the presumption that oral pathogens are the source of infection in the
head and neck, and enteric organisms are responsible for infection in
the trunk, perineum, or lower extremities. Aspiration of fluid from a
macrocystic lymphangioma gives only temporary decompression and rarely
provides a positive culture, and needle aspiration of cysts is no longer
recommended except to decompress a cyst emergently and relieve airway
obstruction. (Glenn R. Jacobowitz et al, 2005; John Aiken & Keith
Oldham, 2006)
two strategies for interventional treatment of lymphatic anomalies are
sclerotherapy and resection. The treatment of lymphangiomas should be
surgical excision, taking care to preserve all normal surrounding
infiltrated structures. Only two thirds of lymphatic malformations are
amenable to complete excision. One third requires partial excision or,
in the case of extensive or complex lesions, staged excision because of
involvement of vital structures within the lesion. Resection offers the
only potential cure of lymphangioma. Often staged excision is necessary,
and total removal is rarely possible. For each resection, the surgeon
should :
(1) concentrate on a defined anatomic region,
(2) try to limit the blood loss to less than the patient’s blood volume,
(3) perform as thorough a dissection as possible (given anatomic restrictions and preserving vital structures), and
be prepared to operate for as long as necessary. Neural and vascular
structures must be dissected painstakingly; otherwise, disappointing
results are expected. (Glenn R. Jacobowitz et al, 2005; Iraklis I.
Pipinos & B. Timothy Baxter, 2004; John Aiken & Keith Oldham,
must be macrocystic to permit injection of sclerosant. The commonly
used sclerosing agents are pure ethanol, sodium tetradecyl sulfate, and
doxycycline. More recently, large cystic lesions in locations difficult
to manage surgically have been treated by injection of OK-432, a
monoclonal antibody produced by incubation and interaction of Streptococcus pyogenes with penicillin. OK-432 (a killed strain of group A Streptococcus pyogenes) is also used for macrocystic lymphangioma. At
present this treatment remains experimental but has demonstrated
success in some difficult cases. Injection of sclerosing agents, most
commonly bleomycin, has been used but is associated with significant
potential complications of infection, gastrointestinal problems, and
pulmonary fibrosis. (Glenn R. Jacobowitz et al, 2005; John Aiken &
Keith Oldham, 2006)
techniques (i.e., cryotherapy, diathermy, sclerotherapy) have marginal
success, and may exacerbate infection. Sclerosing agents may have a role
in the therapy of cystic hygromas in situations in which anatomy
prevents complete surgical resection. Therapy in these special
situations may include repeated aspiration of the macrocystic lesions
and injection of OK-432 (picibanil), a sclerosing agent. A pronounced
inflammatory response can occur with the treatment, necessitating
observation for airway compromise. (Daniel H. Hechtman and David S. Shapiro, 2007)
suction drainage is necessary after resection. Immediate postoperative
complications include protracted serous drainage, hematoma, and
cellulitis. Often a cystic area must be tapped repeatedly after the
operation to remove serous fluid and to allow the cutaneous flaps to
adhere. (Glenn R. Jacobowitz et al, 2005)
Lymphangioma in particular areas demands specialized surgical expertise. Cutaneous lymphangioma (lymphangioma circumscriptum)
must be resected widely, and the defect often requires closure with a
split-thickness skin graft. Management of orbital lymphangioma
necessitates craniofacial surgical techniques. Cervical and axillary
lesions require experience in the dissection of the brachial plexus.
Cervicofacial lymphangioma with associated maxillary and mandibular
overgrowth necessitates orthognathic correction. Mediastinal lymphatic
anomalies must be teased from the cardiovascular structures and the
vagus, phrenic, and recurrent laryngeal nerves. Intrapelvic and
extrapelvic lymphangioma require a thorough knowledge of the anatomy of
the ischiorectal fossa and sciatic nerve. (Glenn R. Jacobowitz et al,
treatment has not been of benefit in the treatment of lymphatic
malformations and causes significant morbidity in the growing child.
(John Aiken & Keith Oldham, 2006)
2.11 Complication and Recurrences
The two major complications of lymphangioma are intralesional bleeding and infection. Management
of cystic hygromas universally includes surgical excision. With
surgical excision, recurrence rates for cystic hygroma have been
reported at 6% to 50%. Recurrence of cystic hygromas can be attributed
to previously unidentified cystic tissue, or incompletely resected
lesions. (Daniel H. Hechtman and David S. Shapiro, 2007)
recurrence rate is 40% after incomplete excision and 17% after
macroscopically complete excision. The surgeon should not be surprised
if postoperative imaging shows that the resection was less than
estimated in the operating room. Regrowth and re-expansion from
microcystic channels are responsible for postoperative recurrence.
Regeneration also produces the typical warty vesicles in the surgical
scar. (Glenn R. Jacobowitz et al, 2005)
cystic hygroma, large cysts can cause dysphagia, respiratory problems,
and serious infection if they involve the neck. A cystic lymphangioma of
the scrotum may present as an acute scrotum, owing to the rare
complication of hemorrhage. (Robert A Schwartz & Geover Fernandez, 2009)
2.12 Differential Diagnosis
a. Lymphadenopathy
the neck nodes are firm and fixed, and others also are present in the
axillae or groin, or the history suggests the presence of a hematologic
malignancy, excisional biopsy is indicated. In these cases, a chest
radiograph must be obtained to evaluate whether a mediastinal mass also
is present. The presence of a large mediastinal mass should be
identified preoperatively, as this may cause airway compression when
muscle relaxants are administered. Under these cirumstances, tissue
should be obtained under local anesthesia. The tissue is sent to
pathology fresh for evaluation. (Henri R. Ford, et al, 2007)
b. Thyroglossal Duct Remnants
thyroid gland buds off the foregut diverticulum at the base of the
tongue in the region of the future foramen cecum at 3 weeks of embryonic
life. As the fetal neck develops, the thyroid tissue becomes more
anterior and caudad until it rests in its normal position. The "descent"
of the thyroid is intimately connected with the development of the
hyoid bone. Residual thyroid tissue left behind in the migration may
persist and subsequently present in the midline of the neck as a
thyroglossal duct cyst. The mass is most commonly appreciated in the 2-
to 4-year-old child when the baby fat disappears and irregularities in
the neck become more readily apparent. Usually the cyst is encountered
in the midline at or below the level of the hyoid bone, and moves up and
down with swallowing or with protrusion of the tongue. Rarely, midline
ectopic thyroid tissue masquerades as a thyroglossal duct cyst, and may
represent the patient's only thyroid tissue. Therefore, if there is any
question regarding the diagnosis or if the thyroid gland cannot be
palpated in its normal anatomic position, it is advisable to obtain a
nuclear scan to confirm the presence of a normal thyroid gland. The
presence of malignancy in a thyroglossal cyst should be suspected when
the cyst grows rapidly, or when the ultrasound demonstrates a complex
anechoic pattern or the presence of calcification. (Henri R. Ford, et al, 2007)
c. Lymphoma
is a type of blood cancer that occurs when lymphocytes--white blood
cells that help protect the body from infection and disease--begin
behaving abnormally. Abnormal lymphocytes may divide faster than normal
cells or they may live longer than they are supposed to. (Lymphoma Research Foundation, 2010)
Lymphoma may develop in many parts of the body, including the lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, blood or other organs. (Lymphoma Research Foundation, 2010)
are two main types of lymphomas are Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) that involves
the Reed-Sternberg cells, and Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) that does not
involve Reed-Sternberg cells. (Lymphoma Research Foundation, 2010)
symptoms include swelling of lymph nodes, which may or may not be
painless, fever, unexplained weight loss, sweating (often at night),
chills, lack of energy, and itching. At the end of the day, the only
true way to diagnose lymphoma is to do a biopsy of the suspect
tumour/tissue. Examinations of blood is necessary to diagnose lymphoma,
where large increases in the levels of lymphosit will lead to the
disease, after that it is should performed a biopsy to make diagnostic
of lymphoma. (Lymphoma Research Foundation, 2010)
2.13 Prognosis
Lymphangiomas are benign hamartomatous malformations instead of true neoplasms. The prognosis for lymphangiomas is excellent. (Robert A Schwartz & Geover Fernandez, 2009)
malformations are benign vascular lesions of the lymphatic system. They
encompass a wide spectrum of abnormalities, including cystic lymphatic
lesions (formerly referred to as lymphangioma), lymphangiectasias, and lymphedema. Lymphangioma
result from maldevelopment and obstruction of the lymphatic system.
Lymphangioma more common in children. Clinical features depends on site
of the lymphangioma in the body. Two strategies for interventional
treatment of lymphatic anomalies are sclerotherapy and resection. And
lymphangioma have excellent prognosis.
1. Baird M. Smith and Craig T.Albanese. 2006. Cystic Hygroma In: Pediatric Surgery. Germany: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Page 13
2. Craig T. Albanese and Karl G. Sylvester. 2006. Pediatric Surgery In: EBook Current Surgical Diagnosis & Treatment, Twelfth Edition. United States: The McGraw-Hill Companies.
3. Daniel H. Hechtman and David S. Shapiro. 2007. Congenital Lesions: Thyroglossal Duct Cysts,Branchial Cleft Anomalies, and Cystic Hygromas In: Mastery of Surgery, 5th Edition. United States: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins page 342
4. Henri R. Ford, David J. Hackam and Kurt Newman. 2007. Pediatric Surgery In: E Book Schwart's Principles Of Surgery. United States : The McGraw-Hill Companies.
5. Giguère CM, Bauman NM, Smith RJ (December 2002). "New treatment options for lymphangioma in infants and children". The Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology 111 (12 Pt 1): 1066-75. PMID 12498366.
6. Glenn R. Jacobowitz, Thomas S. Riles, and Robert B. Rutherford. 2005. Vascular Malformations In: Vascular Surgery Sixth Edition. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier. Page 1635-1636.
7. Iraklis I. Pipinos and B. Timothy Baxter. 2004. Chapter 68 - The Lymphatics In: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice 17th EDITION. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders. Page 2071, 2079.
8. John Aiken & Keith Oldham. 2006. Chapter 108 Pediatric Head and Neck Surgery In: Greenfield's Surgery: SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE, 4th Edition. United States: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Page 1846-1847.
9. Lymphoma Research Foundation. 2010. About Lymphoma. From : Date 15 April 2010.
10. Marissa Heller and Stephanie Mengden. 2008. Lymphangioma circumscriptum In: Dermatology Online Journal 14 (5): 27. From: Date 14 April 2010.
11. Ramesh Venkatesh and HL Trivedi. 2008. Facial Lymphangioma with Orbital Involvement In: Bombay Hospital Journal, Vol. 50, No. 2, 2008. From: date 13 April 2010.
12. Robert A Schwartz and Geover Fernandez. 2009. Lymphangioma In: E Medicine. From: date 13 April 2010.
13. Web
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